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Pink Fuse

Because it’s what’s inside that counts.

At Synergistic Research, we routinely make discoveries as we seek to improve the performance of SR products. And when it’s time to develop something completely new, like the new Voodoo Network Streamer / Server, we engineer entirely new technologies capable of elevating each new SR product to an apex market position when compared to the market’s best products; one listen to the Voodoo Network Server confirms it is by far the world’s highest performance network streamer server. And this leads us to the new Pink Fuse. Traditionally, we launch a new state-of-the-art fuse every 24 months, as it typically takes two years to accumulate enough new technology to surpass an outgoing fuse significantly. But as 2023 was coming to an end, we had already rolled all new accumulated technologies into the new Master Fuse launched in February 2023, engineered and voiced to supercharge an otherwise Purple fuse loom.

For this reason, we had nothing in reserve capable of warranting a replacement for the Purple fuse. So, it remained in our lineup as your main application fuse to be combined with a few Master Fuses in a state-of-the-art fuse loom until we could develop something fundamentally better; fast forward to after the Master Fuse launch, where we have learned a great deal during the development of the new Voodoo server, including an entirely new high voltage conditioning process perfect for a new generation fuse that would maintain the Purple Fuse’s musical warmth but with added resolution and dynamics, combined with enhanced musicality without sounding artificially warm or colored, with, or without, Master Fuses also in the mix. Fortunately, we were also in the final stages of development for a new flagship product, slated to launch later this year, so it is still top secret, with a new UEF compound that proved perfect for the new Pink Fuse, giving it a lower noise floor when directly compared to the outgoing Purple fuse. And so, the new Pink Fuse is born albeit six months late, the child of Voodoo’s high voltage conditioning process, and a new UEF compound first developed for a yet-to-be-announced flagship product that will be, by far, the most expensive product in Synergistic Research’s 32-year history when it lands later this year.

Global MSRP $249.95 all sizes

Note:  If you are switching from an Orange fuse or Purple fuse to a Pink Fuse, start by inserting the Pink fuse in the same direction as the Orange/Purple fuse being replaced.  If the Pink fuse is not an immediate improvement, flip the Pink fuse in the alternate direction.


Quantum Fuse Awards

How Fuses Alter the Sound of Your System

For over one hundred years people believed electrons flowed like water through a pipe and that once ‘contaminated’ by miles of wire, there was little or nothing that could be done to ‘clean’ the electricity feeding your components. Consider this: the electricity feeding your system’s components first propagates through a single fuse. This is why significant gains in sound quality are possible when you insert an SR Purple and Master fuse into each of your components.

Today physicists understand electrons don’t flow at all but rather propagate in a wave of energy that moves along a conductor with a multitude of factors that alters this wave at the quantum level. To understand how electricity travels without electrons ever leaving their respective atoms it is helpful to consider the spectator ‘wave’ at a football match. Even though you can clearly see a wave pattern moving from spectator to spectator as fans raise and then lower their hands (without hands jumping from one person to the next), so too does electricity ‘move’ without electrons ever leaving their atoms. At Synergistic Research we’ve isolated key factors that affect how electricity propagates by changing the behavior of electrons through Inductive Quantum Coupling methods we collectively call UEF Tech. In fact, UEF Tech is so powerful even an electrical chain several miles long is fundamentally improved with nothing more than a single fuse engineered with our patented UEF Technology.

We’re so sure you’ll love what the SR Purple and Master fuses do for your system, we sell them with a no questions asked, 30-day money back guarantee so you can audition SR Orange and Blue Fuses in your system risk-free. Then if you’re not 100% satisfied with your system’s performance on SR Purple and Master fuses, return the fuses to your dealer in like new condition for a full refund.

Pink Fuse

Available Values:

5mm x 20mm Slo-blow

5mm x 20mm Fast-blow









6.3mm x 32mm Slo-blow

6.3mm x 32mm Fast-blow






13A UK Main




Frequently asked questions.

Q: Are fuses directional?

A: Yes, fuses are directional.  Electricity should flow from the left to the right when you view the fuse.  If you do not know the direction of flow you should listen to the fuse inserted in both directions.  One direction will sound more detailed.  This is the correct way.

Q:  Do fuses have a burn in period?

A: Yes, most products have a settling in period.  The first 200-300 hours of use are the most crucial.

Q: Where should I use my Master fuse(s)?

A: To get the most out of our Master Fuses, we suggest starting with one or two fuses in most systems, and possibly more for highly resolving systems. There is no “wrong” component to start with; however, we typically recommend starting “upstream,” at the beginning of your signal source (Music Streamer, CD Player, Turntable, Reel to Reel, etc.). From there, we suggest moving on to your digital-to-analog converter or phonostage (if you use one), followed by your preamplifier and then your power amplifier. If you have multiple sources, upgrading the fuse in your preamplifier first can improve the performance of all of your sources.”

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Pink Fuse Reviews

From the comparisons above, the superiority of the Pink fuse over the OEM fuse was very evident. But what if you already have a Purple fuse in a component? Is the move to Pink really much of an upgrade?

 After listening again with the Pink fuse installed I swapped in the [older] Purple, being careful to maintain the direction of the fuse. I found the Purple to be grainier – the “57 Channels” refrain, in particular. Transparency and dynamics were still good, but resolution was down and the images were not as solid on the soundstage. The Purple fuse still has a lot of that “You are there” feeling, but the venue of “There” didn’t have as good a sound system as when listening with the Pink fuse. Re-installing the Pink fuse assured me that Pink is the way to go – at least for my preference which is to recreate the live experience of being there at a live event or present in the mixing studio. There was no need to go back and forth with the Pink and the Purple. The difference and the preference were both obvious.

Rick Becker, Enjoy The Music, September 2024

Full Review >

“The Synergistic Research Quantum Pink Fuse was placed in my Otari MX5050 Tape Deck, This vintage reel to reel tape deck was completely overhauled and has been operating in my audio system for 2 years now. I am a huge fan of analog tape due to what I feel emits a more natural sound.. With the addition of the SR Pink Fuse the tape recordings have moved closer to what I have experienced at live events. Since the addition of the SR Pink Fuse the tape recordings sound more natural, with crystal clear clarity, 3D sound depth, and increased resolution. I have always been a fan of Synergistic Research Quantum fuses, as I have used them throughout my audio system over the years. I highly recommend their Master and Pink fuses, they are reasonably priced and perform beyond expectations. A must have for every audio system. “

Moreno Mitchell, Stereo Times, July 2024


"The Synergistic Research Quantum Pink Fuse was placed in my Otari MX5050 Tape Deck, This vintage reel to reel tape deck was completely overhauled and has been operating in my audio system for 2 years now. I am a huge fan of analog tape due to what I feel emits a more natural sound.. With the addition of the SR Pink Fuse the tape recordings have moved closer to what I have experienced at live events. Since the addition of the SR Pink Fuse the tape recordings sound more natural, with crystal clear clarity, 3D sound depth, and increased resolution. I have always been a fan of Synergistic Research Quantum fuses, as I have used them throughout my audio system over the years. I highly recommend their Master and Pink fuses, they are reasonably priced and perform beyond expectations. A must have for every audio system. "

Moreno Mitchell - Stereo Times - July 2024


"I have had all of the SR fuses over the years with each fuse delivering incremental improvements in sound quality but the Master Fuse is on a whole new level.  Prior to testing the SR Master Fuse, my digital system consisting of several high end components were all fitted with SR Purple Fuses which has been money well spent to achieve optimal audio system performance.  I don't believe in purchasing audiophile fuses for $5000 each based on their ultimate use as a consumable product but in a world of $5000 fuses, I found the SR Purple fuse to be a "practical" solution and ear opening endeavor as installed in my Ayon Audio S-5 Network Player/DAC/Preamp.  After some break-in, the increase in soundstage separation and transient attack over the SR Purple Fuse was easy to discern.  My system better resolved the attack and decay of strings, woodwind, and percussion instruments without added hardness.  In fact, throughout the entire frequency range my system sounded clearer and smoother adding to the sonic realism.  The liveliness when present in the recording was all there and present while being displayed faithfully to the recording source.  For what a single Master Fuse does, it's well worth the price and was found complimenting the existing SR fuses in my system."

Mike Girardi, Senior Editor for StereoTimes - September 2023


"With her unique voice, jazz interpretation, and dynamic range, Rickie Lee Jones' lyrics are a challenge to follow. It's not a record I've listened to a lot, so I have to follow the lyrics on the record jacket. With the Master fuse, I was able to lay the jacket on my lap and pretty much follow the song just by listening. If you know that record, that's saying something. On more familiar material, whether it be CD or LP there was an unmistakable increase in resolution right from the opening bars as well as an increase in transparency. The combined result was the most realistic sense of the musicians being in the room, or me being in the concert hall, that I have ever experienced in my listening room. The better the recording quality, the more real the musicians.

Macro dynamics were more explosive, not because of a feeling of a blacker background, but because the air of the recording (or recording venue) was so clearly revealed. Hot-rodding my vintage Tekton Design subwoofers last month provided a clearer window into the ambient room tone of recordings. The Master fuse tightened the deep bass and improved the timbre of standup bass, large drums, and low organ notes. Deeper listening revealed micro-dynamics and inner detail — tonal shading, if you will, that were simply not hinted at with the Purple fuse. It was as if I had installed a new phono cartridge that was reading the music from an unmolested area of the groove. And these were not newly-pressed audiophile LPs. The Master fuse simply upgraded my entire LP collection.

The attack of the notes was more instantaneous — particularly noticeable in the bass but never was it etched, incisive, or irritating. Sibilance in Paul Simon's "Diamonds on the Souls of Her Shoes" was virtually banished. The impact on pace, rhythm, and timing resulted in endless toe-tapping. My Kharma speakers are eminently listenable, to begin with so there was nothing I thought needed "fixing" for that pesky Paul Simon CD. With the addition of the Master fuse, I was chuckling with delight at the newfound musical wealth not from just the speakers, but the entire system.


-Rick Becker - EnjoyTheMusic - 2023

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"The sonic changes to Synergistic Research Purple UEF fuses were immediately noticeable in several ways, with other benefits revealed after the initial flurry of changes. The first change is an increase in smoothness and refinement in the midrange and especially in the high frequencies. The higher frequencies are less congested and restricted too, which makes the top treble appear to have a greater extension. All of which is heard most readily with solo female voice or piano, but unless your record collection is made up of white noise, catfights and people running their fingernails down chalkboards, you’ll hear it regardless.

After that initial impressive change comes the other benefits in short order. Perhaps predictably (at least for those who’ve heard fuse-free Schuko plugs in their system), there’s a distinct sense of music rising out of stillness and calm; the absence of a subtle background hash that too often gives the music an electronic sheen. However, you also notice that the imaging has improved, mostly in terms of image stability but also in soundstage size and precision. Dynamic range is improved too, again perhaps a part of that removal of background hash. In systems that are already dynamically powerful sounding, the worry could be that it would send the sound over the top and into exuberance; in fact, the sound just seems to expand a little, a little like you just got access to a better master of the music.


-Alan Sircom - HiFi + - February 2022

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"I have been listening to my amp with the new SR master fuse for the past few days. Even with not much of a burn in , approx. 20 hours so far, , the amp seems like , lets just say, a new amp , or better still an amp costing close to twice as much . Really it is that good. The improvements are obvious and immediate. What is really clever is how the resolution , soundstage, dynamics, forward momentum/attack and timbre are all on another level now without the fuse adding any coloration of its own. Always getting out of the way in fact. 

The sound is genuinely better than ever before. Sometimes I would find myself looking at the amp and wondering how on earth is it making such incredible sound. I endorse this product for anyone, just like me, who is looking to maximise the performance of their existing amp."

Gerry K. - June 2023


"First up is Purple. This one, unlike Orange, shows from the first bars that its action was aimed at increasing the energy of the sound. This, of course, results in greater saturation of the message, but so collected that we do not even for a moment come close to a situation perceived as excessive obesity. The music as a whole is still characterized by a wealth of information, with the only difference being that the more accentuated midrange comes to the fore a bit more. Fortunately, as I mentioned, it is collected in itself, which translates into a perfectly perceived increase in the pulse and rhythm of the created musical events. How does this compare to its predecessor in absolute terms? The main change is a different perception of the band edges. But calmly, not in the sense of deterioration, but as feedback to direct the front's activities to the central part, the treble finally becomes less absorbing, and the consistently controlled bottom no longer kicks with such a hard kick. Where's the progress? I'm writing about it. By increasing the energy of the midrange, which automatically puts the rest of the range on the vertical, i.e. in the service of the midrange, which, based on the opinions I heard from friends, was a very good step by the brand.
What about the Master fuse, which boasts a very suggestive name? Well, in short, because the differences, although diametrical, are still a development of the features of its predecessor, it points the finger to the Purple fuse where it belongs. Given the excellent performance of the cheaper one, is Master really better and not different? For me it's undoubtedly better. How is this possible? Contrary to appearances, the matter is simple, because the flagship infused Purple with a package of resolution and unobtrusive transparency, in other words, it increased the dose of air, expressiveness and bluntness in the message. This, in turn, caused the desire to signal one's presence through the edges of the band to come back into favor, which directly translated into an improvement in the purity of the created events. And it's not about brightening or slimming, because nothing like that happens, only improving the reception of the whole at the level of unobtrusive rapacity, with an obvious, for me despite the interesting result of Purple, even expected return to the favor of proper explicitness of the treble and a specific kick at the bottom. Suddenly, musical stories that seemed full of joy, from the level of cool tangibility, turn like a chameleon into musical performances taking place in the confines of our home, performed only for us with direct contact at our fingertips."

Jacek Pazio - Sound Rebels - September 2023

Full review>


"I have had all the SR fuses over the years, with each fuse delivering incremental improvements in sound quality, but the Master Fuse is on a whole new level.  Before testing the SR Master Fuse, my digital system, which consists of several high-end components, was fitted with SR Purple Fuses, which was well spent to achieve optimal audio system performance.  I don’t believe in purchasing audiophile fuses for $5000 each based on their ultimate use as a consumable product. Still, in a world of $5000 fuses, I found the SR Master Fuse to be a “practical” solution and ear-opening endeavor as installed in my Ayon Audio S-5 Network Player/DAC/Preamp. After some break-in, the increase in soundstage separation and transient attack over the SR Purple Fuse was easy to discern.  In fact, throughout the entire frequency range, my system sounded clearer and smoother, adding to the sonic realism.  The liveliness in the recording was all there while being displayed faithfully to the recording source.  For what a single Master Fuse does, it’s well worth the price and was found to complement the existing SR fuses in my system." 

Mike Girardi - StereoTimes - May 2024


"I heard improvements on all audiophile parameters you can come up with. Not just a tighter layer or a little less sharpness or something, but the overall reproduction was, as if by magic, a level higher. Hard, sharp edges to the sound were gone, the low was more colorful, clearer and faster, the dynamics had clearly increased, the background was even quieter, the middle had more body and timbres came across more authentic.

There was more information to listen to, but where that often leads to some restlessness or even listening fatigue, the entire sound image came across as more relaxed. Music of every genre suddenly spouted effortlessly from the speakers and that obviousness immediately invited you to listen for a long time. The effects of this fuse gave me a feeling of recognition, like: yes, this is how music should sound! I think everyone recognizes that. In my report to the importer I said that it seemed like all other fuses add a bit of distortion and this Master Fuse does not for the first time."

-John of Poland - - July 2023

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Enjoy the Music

2019 Great Audiophile Gift

“After returning home from the Toronto Audio Fest 2019, I dropped my familiar compilation CD into the tray and listened to the Orange fuses that had been burning in for four days. My rig, which previously had Synergistic Research Blue fuses and is priced in the tens of thousand dollars, was sounding like rigs I heard at the show that cost in the low hundreds of thousands. That’s all the math you need to know. Start with your source if you’re skeptical, and work your way through to the amps. The plans to upgrade my speakers are on hold, indefinitely.”  Ricker Becker


Enjoy the Music

2020 Great Audiophile Gift

The ORANGE Fuse is Synergistic Research’s latest and greatest version of their extremely popular UEF Blue Fuse. In fact the Blue fuse earned Enjoy the’s 2018 Great Audiophile Gift recommendation. If you are one of the thousands of SR Fuse users, than you already know what an improvement the tiny devices add to your electronic’s performance.


Enjoy the Music

2021 Great Audiophile Gift

And with the lower noise floor comes more inner detail, macro, and microdyamics. The soundstage expanded in the sense that voices and instruments farther away became more intelligible. There was a tremendous improvement of clarity within the soundstage. Instruments and singers up front did not mask what was going on behind them. The venue of live recordings became a lot more real — both room tone and audience applause.


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