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Synergistic Research wins “Best of Show” at all major High End Audio Trade Shows for the first half of 2015!

“Synergistic Research won “Best of Show” awards at every trade show they’ve attended this year including the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Axpona in Chicago, HiFi Deluxe in Munich Germany, and T.H.E. Show in Newport Beach California. Of course winning awards for their sound at nearly all the world’s top venues in a single year is remarkable, but to do so from so many of the world’s most respected audio publications including Stereophile Magazine, The Absolute Sound, HiFi +, AV Showrooms and Positive Feedback Online is an unprecedented achievement”

Links to awards and accolades from the top audio publications for Synergistic Research’s show performance in the first half of 2015:


CES Consumer Electronics Show 2015:

PrintAlan Sircom of HiFi +

“…one of the best sound’s at the show”

The Absolute Sound’s Jim Hannon “Most Significant Cables, Power Products, and Accessories”

AV Showrooms reviewer’s view CES 2015 video report.

“Best Sound” at Show CES 2015- AV Showrooms

AV Showroom’s Peter Breuninger talks with Synergistic Research lead designer Ted Denney about new (SR) products launching at CES 2015 including the new iPad controlled Atmosphere Acoustic Field Generator and Atmosphere Series Cables.

Synergistic Research CES 2015 Active Demonstration of the iPad controlled Atmosphere and an advanced prototype low frequency acoustic device code named “Black Box” that elegantly and cost effectively solves bass standing wave issues in listening rooms without the need for cumbersome old school bass traps.


Axpona Chicago 2015:

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The Absolute Sound awards BEST SOUND AT SHOW “COST NO OBJECT!” to the MBL, United Home Audio and Synergistic Research room AXPONA 2015

AVShowrooms “Reviewers’ View” discusses early in the video how a few Synergistic Research HFTs deftly placed on ceiling mounted PA speakers in our room at AXPONA cleaned up low frequency standing waves to transform the sound from ho-hum to amazing!

Stereophile’s Jason Victor Serinus talks about the “significant contribution” Synergistic Research played in the overall sound of this years “Best Sound at Show” AXPONA System.

Positive Feedback’s David Robinson: Synergistic Research / MBL / United Home Audio / Jolida in two separate rooms both wining BEST OF SHOW AWARDS!


HiFi Deluxe Munich Germany 2015:



HiFi + Alan Sircom

“..certainly the wildest exhibit at the show was a Bose Wave Radio, which Ted Denney of Synergistic Research was happily using to pushing the ‘what the…’ envelope. Adding HFT (High Frequency Transducer) dots around the room, sitting the unit on MiG (Mechanical Interface Grounding) footers and then on Tranquility Base active platforms, with the company’s new Atmosphere radio-frequency controlling, er, things, grounding boxes, black boxes, and more, this was deep “I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore!” territory… I can’t deny that the Synergistic demonstration was successful – the Wave Radio sounded more like a (albeit not very stereo) audiophile system with the Synergistic components in place, and lacking a lot of midband with them turned off or taken out”

AV Showrooms videos our Bose demonstration at HiFi Deluxe

AV Showrooms awards ‘Best Sound Demonstration’ at Hifi Deluxe Munich Germany 2015

AV Showroom’s Peter Breuninger discusses our Bose radio-based system in Germany last month. See the 7:50 mark for his assessment.


T.H.E. Show Newport Beach CA 2015:

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Robert Harley of The Absolute Sound reports on Synergistic Research and Scott Walker Audio’s sound at T.H.E. Show:

“I can say that I’ve never heard (Magico) S5s sound so spectacular. Synergistic demonstrated the effects of their room-treatment products, and although some are head-scratchers, they made an obvious audible improvement”

The Absolute Sound’s Jim Hannon reports on our sound at T.H.E. Show in Newport Beach California:

“Synergistic Research transformed the sound in a gigantic hotel ballroom into one of the best sounds of the show…”

HiFi Plus+ Chris Martens‘ 15 Sweet Sounding Systems’ At This Years T.H.E. Show, Newport Beach California.

“One of the best sounding demonstration systems at Newport… The room had superb basic ingredients including Magico S5 loudspeakers, a Soulution 725 preamp and 711 power amp, a Berkeley Alpha DAC Reference, an Acoustic Signature Challenger III turntable with SME 309 tonearm and Lyra Skala cartridge, and a Sonorous Audio ART 12 Reference reel-to-reel tape deck, but what really tied all of the pieces together were the various room tuning components and cable systems from Synergistic Research”

“In A/B comparisons between the system with the Synergistic components in place vs. the system with some of the Synergistic devices removed or disengaged immediate and important sonic differences could be heard. Without the tuning components one heard excellent – truly excellent – hi-fi of the first rank, but with the tuning components in play the music simply broke free from the usual hi-fi constraints, taking on a vibrant, three-dimensional life of its own. What was particularly impressive was the fact that the HFT devices helped the already excellent Magico speakers shift gears, so to speak, to tap even higher levels of performance. The Atmosphere device, in turn, enabled the music to break free from the speakers and to scale to fit the size of the very large room, thus producing wall-to-wall soundstages of exceptional width and depth”

“The result, as I have hinted above, was a system that seemed to have broken free from traditional hi-fi ‘shackles’, in the process it set the music free to communicate with listeners on a more direct, intimate, and visceral level”


Next show we attend is RMAF 2015 in Denver, October 2-4, 2015, so hopefully we will see all of you there, for yet another eye opening event.













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