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AV Showrooms’ Peter Breuninger has awarded Synergistic Research the Gold Show Award RMAF Best Sound!


“As usual, Ted Denney was running a demo in his room and a much smaller than usual room. The room size was just right for the sound and his demonstration. Ted powered the entire system which included Magico S3 loudspeakers, with Synergistic Research PowerCell 12 UEF SE. I handed him the CD “Equinox” by Soundkeeper Recordings and we listened to a track with the PowerCell engaged, then not engaged. No surprise, considering SR’s excellent reputation, there was a marked difference between engaged and not. Engaged, the soundstage was bigger and the sound was deeper and more layered with better bass. There you have it, another win for SR. Also introduced were the very impressive looking Galileo UEF cables. Stay tuned for the video, I think you’ll want to see and hear about these cables.”

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