Galileo UEF
2016 Absolute Sound Cable of the Year
Ted Denney’s latest creations improve on the cumbersome ergonomics of his original Galileo multi-strand cables (which had to be plugged into and out of a multitude of boxes and actively biased via a plethora of wall-wart power supplies) by packaging most of that marvelous Synergistic technology into the cable itself. Better still, the Galileo UEFs significantly improve upon the truly stellar sonics of the original Galileos. Indeed, the UEFs are the best sounding wires Mr, Denney has yet devised, achieving a dead-center neutrality that is neither “bottom-up” nor “top-down” in tonal balance, without any sacrifice in natural warmth and timbre, resolution of detail, transient speed, dynamic power, imaging precision, or soundstage width, depth, and height. When you consider that the Galileo UEFs are also priced at one-third or one-quarter of what the original Galileos went for (and roughly one-tenth of what flagship cables and interconnects from certain other companies currently cost), you have a veritable bargain in ultra-high-end wire and a worthy TAS Interconnect and Speaker Cable of the Year Award winner.