by Synergistic Research | Jan 10, 2017 | Delete, featured, Press, Uncategorized
Galileo UEF 2016 Absolute Sound Cable of the Year Ted Denney’s latest creations improve on the cumbersome ergonomics of his original Galileo multi-strand cables (which had to be plugged into and out of a multitude of boxes and actively biased via a plethora of...
by Synergistic Research | Sep 30, 2015 | featured, Press, Tranquility Base, UEF Technology, Uncategorized
Experience our latest UEF Tech products at RMAF 2015, in Denver Colorado, October 2nd - October 4th, 2015 at the Marriott Denver Hotel, room – 8009. Since launching UEF at RMAF 2013, (HFT, High Frequency Transducer and FEQ, Frequency Equalizer) our...
by Synergistic Research | Jun 22, 2015 | featured, Press, Reviews, Uncategorized just published a professional review of the Synergistic Research Atmosphere. Quoted text was taken direct from the review, or click on the link below to read the full review… “It’s rare to find a tweak that is not in the signal path...
by Synergistic Research | Jun 12, 2015 | featured, Press, Reviews, Uncategorized just reviewed the new Synergistic Research Ground Block and Hi Def Ground Cables. Quotes taken directly from the review: “When I decided to write about the Synergistic Research Ground Block and High Definition Ground Cables, I thought that...
by Synergistic Research | Jan 12, 2015 | featured, Press, Reviews, Uncategorized
Stereo Times just awarded 4 of our products the “Most Wanted Components 2014” Synergistic Research PowerCell 10 UEF Synergistic Research FEQ-PowerCell Equalizer Synergistic Research HFT - High Frequency Transducer Synergistic Research FEQ -...
by Synergistic Research | Jul 17, 2014 | Active Shielding, featured, Press, Reviews, Tranquility Base, Uncategorized
Jason Victor Serinus who when not covering the Bay Area’s symphony and opera scene can be found in the pages of Stereophile covering HiFi Shows around the country and in this case, reviewing Synergistic Research UEF tuning circuits, Transporter Ultra and...